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Mourne, Gullion, Strangford UNESCO Global Geopark

The Mourne Gullion Strangford UNESCO Global Geopark is made up of three Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 

The Mourne Gullion Strangford UNESCO Global Geopark comprises three distinct regions, each with unique characteristics significant for sustainable tourism, education and scientific research. The area's geological story spans millions of years, from the closing of the Iapetus Ocean to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean, a story not found elsewhere. Notable features include evidence of the last glaciation, showcased at sites like Killard Point.

It’s land boundary follows the Newry, Mourne and Down District Council administrative boundary. The coastal boundary encompasses the Marine Protected Areas (MPA), including Murlough Bay, Strangford Lough and Carlingford Lough MPAs.

This geological richness forms a backdrop for a vibrant community, steeped in cultural heritage and legendary tales like those of Cú Chulainn and Fionn mac Cumhaill. Our vision is to protect, promote, and revere this treasured landscape for present and future generations, emphasising conservation, education, and sustainable development. To explore more about this unique Geopark and its tourism experiences, visit mournegullionstrangfordgeopark.com. For experiences and activity ideas, check out www.visitmournemountains.co.uk/geopark.

A land of fire and ice

The area’s spectacular beauty has been forged by nature, torn apart by volcanic activity and sculpted by ice, providing a stunning backdrop to a thriving locality where people continue to live and work.

People and Places

Here you will find a myriad of monuments from ancient civilisations, famous for battles that have been both won and lost, and a home to countless generations. The variety of landscapes found within the Geopark have led to a rich cultural and built heritage both bounded and blessed with mountains and maritime settings.

Legendary Heroes

The exceptional geology of the Geopark has led to a remarkable range of natural and semi-natural habitats. All of these combine to make a varied mosaic of heather, moor, bog and pasture, dotted with freshwater and woodlands, and meeting sand and rocky shores, mudflats and salt marsh.

The dramatic scenery of the Geopark has been shaped by the underlying geology but it has also given inspiration to some of Ireland’s most famous and legendary heroes. The legends of Cú Chulainn and Fionn mac Cumhaill,are based in the Geopark area.

Geological Highlights

The Mourne Gullion Strangford has over 400 million years of geological history. It charts the closure of the Iapetus Ocean and the bringing together of the two parts of what we now know as the island of Ireland, its passage through tropical latitudes, the birth of the North Atlantic Ocean, and finally the shaping of landscape by ice during the last glaciation. There are two particular highlights that should be mentioned.

Our Geopark Story

To find out more about our incredible Global Geopark visit https://mournegullionstrangfordgeopark.com/

Visiting Our Global Geopark

For ideas of where to stay and things to do in the Mourne Gullion Strangford UNESCO Global Geopark please visit: https://www.visitmournemountains.co.uk/geopark