Swimming Pools in Newry, Kilkeel and Down Leisure Centres to Reopen
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council is delighted to announce that its swimming pools in Newry, Kilkeel and Down Leisure Centres will reopen from Monday 17 August.
From this date, those wishing to use the swimming lanes (over 16s only) will be allowed access to swimming pools. Customers wishing to come along for casual swims and family fun swims can book a slot from Saturday 22 August. To comply with COVID-19 guidelines, the Council will now have reduced capacity in its swimming pools and swim sessions will be strictly 60 minutes. Users must now also book their swim slot in advance via the NMD Be Active App, the Council website or by telephoning 0330 137 4026. Further guidance on booking swim slots as well as important information to be aware of before coming along to the swimming pools can be found at: https://www.newrymournedown.org/leisure-facilities
At present, Health Suites remain closed and the Council won’t be running any swimming lessons just yet as it aims to take a phased approach to reopening of its leisure facilities. This is to ensure the safety of both staff and customers. Reopening dates for these activities will be communicated in due course on the NMD Be Active App, the NMD Be Active Facebook page and will be updated on the Council website at: https://www.newrymournedown.org/leisure-facilities
Although the Council is pleased to open its swimming pools again, it wants to make users aware that their experience of using its leisure facilities will not be quite the same as prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. For user safety, an enhanced cleaning regime will be in place. There will also be clear visible guidelines about cleanliness and reminders of personal responsibility throughout the facilities.
Chairperson of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council, Councillor Laura Devlin said, “We have been working hard to ensure that we open our leisure centres in the safest way possible, taking a step-by-step approach to ensure your safety. We aim to accommodate as many people as possible, but we need to ensure that we also adhere to government guidelines.
“As well as the key safety measures, such as social distancing and hygiene, there are now practical things people need to consider before they swim, such as coming to pools beach ready, showering at home and paying special attention to pool signage. I would urge all our keen swimmers in the district to make themselves familiar with our guidance on our website before booking their swim slot and coming along to our swimming pools.”