Special Events on Public Roads
Notice of proposed Road Closure
Downpatrick – Co Down Championship
VE 80 Street Tattoo, Schomberg Society - Kilkeel - Road Closure
Camlough - Crooked Lake Triathlon
Road Closure Application Information for Holding a Special Event on a Public Road
The Roads (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (NI) 2010
The Road Traffic Regulation (NI) 1997 Order
The Road (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (NI) 2010 and The Road Traffic Regulation (NI) 1997 Order enables District Councils the power to prohibit or restrict the use of a public road for the purpose of holding a special event on a public road.
Do I need to Apply for a Road Closure?
If you want to hold an event that will prohibit or restrict traffic on a public road, you may need to apply to for a road closure order. The type of event you intend to host will determine if you need to apply.
You will need to apply for a Road Closure Order if you are:
- holding a sporting event, such as a marathon or a fun run, on a public road. You also need to apply to Athletics NI to hold a road race or cross country event. To find out more, call 028 9060 2707 or visit www.athleticsni.org
- holding a street party, or other similar small community-based event, on a public road. You should also consult the ‘Guidance Notes For Applicants Special Events’ on the Council’s website for specific advice about holding a street party or other small event.
- holding a concert or similar entertainment on a public road. You may require an Entertainments Licence.
- filming on a public road. We require additional information about filming events and so you will need to fill in a supplementary form to tell us these details.
You will not need to apply for a Road Closure Order:
- for a cycle race or cycle trial, on a public road. However, you may need to apply to Cycling Ireland or Cycling Ulster in order to hold your event. For more information contact Cycling Ireland on Tel: 00 353 1855 1522 or visit www.cyclingireland.ie For more information from Cycling Ulster, visit www.cyclingulster.com
- for a parade or public procession. But you will need to apply to the Parades Commission if it falls within the relevant categories of the Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Act 1998. For more information, call 028 9089 5900 or visit www.paradescommission.org
- for a motor race, on a public road. However, you may need to apply to Sport Northern Ireland in order to hold your event. For more information, call 028 9038 1222 or visit www.sportni.net
What do I need to consider, before making my road closure application?
You must consider how traffic will be diverted or stopped to facilitate your event. You will need to provide us with a traffic management plan showing how people will be protected from live traffic and other potential dangers for the duration of the event. You should note pedestrian access must be maintained at all times. Such access needs to be maintained to any premises situated on the road and any premises accessible from (and only from) the road.
You will need to show us how you have carried out neighbourhood notification by showing your consultations with all residents, businesses, bus and taxi companies which may be affected by your proposal.
You need to have sufficient insurances with relevant bodies, such as £10million public liability insurance.
You should also refer to the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) Roads guidance for promoters of events before applying to us.
How early do I have to apply?
You must provide plenty of notice and make your application at least 12 weeks before your proposed event in order to allow us to consult with various statutory bodies and to publicly advertise the proposed road closure.
The application process requires the Council to place a public notice in a local newspaper/council website to allow minimum of 21 days for written representations to be submitted.
Road Closure Order Fees
- The fee for a Large Event is £655 and must be submitted with your application.
- The fee for a Small Event is £435 and must be submitted your application.
- Voluntary/Charitable/Not for Profit Organisations will be charged advertising costs only. Payment to be made after the Council have placed an advertisement of event.
Cheques should be made payable to: Newry, Mourne and Down District Council
Enforcement Action
Road closures are enforced by the Police Service of Northern Ireland. Anyone holding an event without approval or failing to comply with the conditions of a Road Closure Order will be guilty of a criminal offence. Also, the council will take any previous non-compliance into account when assessing future road closure applications.
How to Apply
Further information and assistance can be obtained from:
Newry Office
Licensing Section
O'Hagan House
Monaghan Row
Newry, BT35 8DJ
Downpatrick Office
Licensing Section
Downshire Civic Centre
Downshire Estate
Ardglass Road
Downpatrick, BT30 6GQ
Alternatively click on the links in the downloads section.
Contact Details
Email: licensing@nmandd.org
Telephone: 0330 137 4030