Slieve Croob DEA Rolls Out Road Safety Initiative
A new Road Safety Initiative is being rolled at St Francis Primary School, Drumaroad and Spa Primary School in response to speeding and other road safety concerns raised during village plan consultations.
The initiative has been spearheaded by the Slieve Croob District Electoral Area (DEA) Forum in partnership with the PSNI, which has seen its officers talk to students on how to keep themselves safe at the school gates.
Councillor Mark Murnin, Chairperson of Slieve Croob DEA Forum said, “I am delighted to be involved in such a great initiative. I want to ensure that all our programmes are in response to community needs and ensure safety of school children and careful driving at the school gates.”
As part of the innovative programme, primary school children designed posters for a banner that they would like displayed outside the school to remind everyone to reduce their speed and be mindful of young people.
The winning four posters from each school were designed into a banner which is being unfurled on Tuesday 5 June at the schools, to ensure the matter of road safety remains uppermost in drivers’ minds.
Each pupil whose poster was selected for the banner was presented with a cinema voucher from Councillor Mark Murnin.
If you would like to find out more information on Slieve Croob DEA Forum or how you can input into the Forum please contact Slieve Croob DEA coordinator Priscilla McAlinden on 028 9756 4113.