Scéim Sparánachta na Gaeilge
Scéim Sparánachta na Gaeilge 2025/2026
Tá iarratais á lorg ag Comhairle Ceantair an Iúir, Mhúrn agus an Dúin ar sparánacht chun cuidiú le costais ar chúrsaí Gaeilge den chineál seo a leanas:
- Cúrsaí áitiúla Gaeilge
- Cúrsaí Gaeltachta
- Módúil ar chúrsaí Gaeilge
- Dianchúrsaí Gaeilge
Tá Scéim Sparánacht na Gaeilge 2024-25 oscailte go fóill d’iarratais go dtí 31 Márta 2025; cé go bhfuil liosta feithimh anois i bhfeidhm. Más maith leat cur isteach ar an scéim do chúrsa a bheidh ar siúl idir an lá inniu agus 31 Márta 2025, déan teagmháil le hAonad na Gaeilge ar
Is féidir teagmháil a dhéanamh le hAonad na Gaeilge
Uimhir ghutháin: 0330 137 4463
Irish Language Bursary Scheme 2025/2026
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council invites applications for bursaries towards:
- Local Irish Language Courses
- Gaeltacht Colleges
- Modules within Irish Language Courses
- Intensive Irish Language Courses
Taking place in one of the following periods:
Period 1: 1 April 2025 – 30 September 2025
Period 2: 1 October 2025 – 31 March 2026
Opening date: Monday 10 March 2025, 12pm (Period 1)
Monday 22 September 2025, 12pm (Period 2)
This is a rolling scheme where successful applicants are awarded letters of offer according to the order in which applications are received. When the number of applications and the value of the bursaries exceeds the money available, applicants are placed on a waiting list.
Conditions of the scheme
Before submitting an application, please see the following conditions
Make an application
A summary of the application process can be found here
Applications can be completed and submitted online via:
Irish Language Bursary Scheme 2024/25
The Irish Language Bursary Scheme 2024-25 is still open for applications up until 31 March 2025; although a waiting list is now in effect. If you would like to apply to the scheme for a course that will take place between now and 31 March 2025, contact the Irish Language Unit on
For further information please contact The Irish Language Unit:
Phone: 0330 137 4463