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Project Development

Q: What is the total cost of the project?

A: The Council’s professional cost consultant for the project provided a cost estimate of circa £44 million (of which £29.77 million has been secured from the Belfast Region City Deal).

Q: Have alternatives to a gondola been considered? 

A: A range of project options to deliver a unique, accessible and sustainable tourism experience were considered during the development of the Outline Business Case.  Following independent review of the business case the preferred option has been identified as the gondola and visitor centre project, which is now being progressed by the design team.

Q: What happens to the Belfast Region City Deal funding should the project fail planning / not be a success?

A: Should the Mourne Mountains Gateway Project not proceed, Newry, Mourne and Down District Council (NMDDC) will work with the Belfast Region City Deal Executive Board, which comprises six local authorities (including NMDDC) and two universities to propose and consider alternative options.

Q: What are the current projections for estimated visitor numbers?

A: Visitor numbers were initially forecast as part of the work that informed the Outline Business Case for the project. This assessed the visitor numbers in the locality as well as visitor numbers at other similar tourist attractions. This assessment, which was initially completed in 2021, forecast visitor numbers of 100,000 in the first year of operation to 350,000 visitors in year five.  The estimated visitor numbers and broader tourism trends will be further examined and assessed as part of the development of the Full Business Case.

Q: What is the purpose of the public engagement event/s?

A: Engagement events provide opportunities for everyone to participate, share their views and help shape the future of the project.

The project’s Integrated Consultancy Team (ICT) has hosted engagement sessions with the public, as well as with local businesses and schools from across the district. Future engagement activities will take place early 2025, where the ICT will present the proposed project and reflect how it has been shaped as a result of input with the wider public.  These engagement events will involve a range of public and private stakeholders, local communities, schools and businesses. 

A comprehensive Pre-Application Community Consultation (PACC) report will be submitted with the planning application package and will include feedback that has been gathered across all engagement activities.