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Newry Regeneration

Newry City Centre Regeneration Programme 

Newry is primed for once in a generation development and investment.    

The Newry City Centre Regeneration scheme is our ambitious programme of works planned for the historic core of the City. Included is a 15-acre Newry City Park providing a destination leisure space, a vibrant Theatre and Conference centre, a Civic and Regional Hub for Newry City, and new outdoor public spaces.

Learn more about the Newry City Centre Regeneration Programme:

With its surrounding rich landscape and accessibility, Newry is already a place where people want to live, work, study and invest. It also has an enviable position at the centre of the Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor. We have the potential to attract more new businesses and want to be in the best possible position to do so.

Our vision is for a City with increased vibrancy and footfall that will stimulate further investment and enable the regeneration of Newry for the benefit of the entire district.

In January 2023 we reached a significant milestone when a Belfast Region City Deal (BRCD) Contract for Funding was agreed for Newry City Centre Regeneration Projects supported by the Deal. These projects are the Theatre and Conference Centre and Civic and Regional Hub, for which £5 million BRCD funding has been allocated for its Public Realm, along with £3 million for a Grade A Office Accommodation Fund.

Planning applications now submitted for the Theatre and Conference Centre and Civic and Regional Hub projects, and construction is expected to start in 2024.

The Council worked closely with the Department for Communities on Council’s Outline Business Case for Newry City Park. Approval has unlocked the £16.2 million funding package announced as part of the Executive’s City/Growth Deal Complementary fund. The Council has also agreed to underwrite a further £2.4 million which will deliver a 15-acre City Park as part of Phase One.

As we look ahead to further significant developments in 2024, we remain committed to engaging with stakeholders and working with both statutory bodies and private sector developers to deliver the best and most sustainable outcome for Newry.

Join us on our Journey 

#EmpoweringNMD #NewryCCR #NMDJourney 

Contact Details

Email: conor.mcgeown@nmandd.org