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Neighbourhood Services Audio (up to June 2022)

Please note Neighbourhood Services Committee's last meeting was in June 2022. This was replaced by the Sustainability  and Environment Committee


*Recording 17th June 2020 - At 1hour40minutes on this recording the Chairperson informs listeners that the item is deemed to be exempt under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 - information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Council holding that information), and the public may, by resolution, be excluded during this item of business. At 1hour46minutes, the Chairperson discloses information which is inconsistent with the Committee’s decision to hear Item 23 in-committee. This was due to human error. In order to accurately reflect the decision of the committee to hear the matter in-committee the information disclosed by the chairperson at 1hour46minutes has been removed from the recording.

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