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Local Development Plan Evidence Base

Local Development Plan Preparatory Papers

1. Population & Growth

1b. Population & Growth - Data Update (Rev 1)

1c. Population & Growth – Settlement Hierarchy (Rev 2)

2. Housing

3. Employment &    Economic Development

4. Town Centres & Opportunity Sites

5. Transportation

6. Environmental Assets

6b. Addendum to Paper 6 Env Assets

7. Tourism

8. Coast

9. Public Utilities

10. Open Space, Recreation & Leisure

10b. Addendum to Paper 10 Open Space

11. Minerals

12. Landscape Character Assessment

13. Rural Pressure Analysis

14. Education, Health and Community Services

15. Strategic Settlement Evaluation

15a. Appendum to Paper 15: Strategic Settlement Hierarchy

16. House Allocation

Reports which will inform the LDP draft Plan Strategy - (click to view)

Contact Details

Email: planning@nmandd.org

Telephone: 0330 137 4036