Kilkeel Leisure Centre Swim Academy Launched
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Vice-Chairperson, Cllr Gillian Fitzpatrick recently launched the Kilkeel Leisure Centre Swim Academy, an innovative partnership between Council and Swimming Teacher's Association (STA), which will have many benefits for our current and prospective pupils.
The Academy will be implementing the STA's International Learn to Swim Programme (ILSP). The ILSP is a highly structured progressive programme, with a range of exciting, colourful awards and stickers available; celebrating your child’s success as they take the next step to becoming a safe and proficient swimmer.
Speaking at the launch Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Vice Chair, Cllr Gillian Fitzpatrick commented, “With all the recent public interest surrounding swimming lessons in the district, the Council is confident that citizens will be impressed with the new academy which provides additional classes while reducing the teacher to pupil ratio to deliver quality tuition.”
Cllr Fitzpatrick continued, “We are aiming to provide affordable classes for all of the citizens of the district. In addition the Academy will offer a free Individual STA Success Tracker, STA Certificate and Badge to all their participants. The new academy allows for all budding participants to pre-register for the appropriate class based on ability/experience, thus ensuring maximum progression. New participants will be assessed where necessary and thereafter assigned to a specific class suitable for their level.”
Cllr Fitzpatrick concluded by saying, “Following the initial launch of the academies in Newry and Downpatrick Leisure Centres recently, this will ensure that Newry, Kilkeel and Downpatrick will have a consistent approach to swim lesson tuition from here on. Previously Kilkeel had catered for swimmers from 5 years, but with the new scheme, children as young as 4 years may now be registered for lessons.”
Please contact the staff at Kilkeel Leisure Centre for further information on the scheme and to register your child for lessons.
(L-R) John Davis - Duty Manager Kilkeel Leisure Centre; Raymond O'Hagan - Swim Teacher, Kilkeel Leisure Centre; Cllr Gillian Fitzpatrick - Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Vice-Chair; Stanley - STA Mascot; Jackie Timms - STA Representative and Kieran Gordon - Council Leisure Services Officer.