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Flooding Support for Businesses

Rate Relief Schemes for Businesses

Land and Property Services (LPS) has announced that businesses will receive 100% relief from non-domestic rates on flooded properties for the period between 1 November 2023 and 31 March 2024. The rate relief measures will include 100% relief for non-domestic rates on flooded properties as well as support to help businesses temporarily relocate.

Ratepayers do not have to make an application for the relief.  The Council will provide LPS with a list of flooded properties and LPS will automatically apply the relief to the rate account. 

Ratepayers who have already paid their rates for the current year in full will receive a refund. For more information please click here 


Advice and Support for General Flooding Incidents

Rate Relief Schemes for Businesses

Land and Property Services (LPS) can assist ratepayers and businesses experiencing financial difficulties.  It is essential that ratepayers impacted by flooding contact LPS as soon as possible to discuss options that best suit their circumstances.

Click here to view the LPS webinar presentation which outlines different rate relief options: Land & Property Services Online Information Session

Land & Property Services
T: 0300 200 7801 (calls charged at local rate)
Text Relay: 18001 0300 200 7801
W: www.finance-ni.gov.uk/contacts/contact-land-property-services


Business Support Non-Domestic & Commercial properties

• Information and an online Application Form to have a property’s valuation revised is available on www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/content/business-rates-valuing-alterations-existing-properties

• When Land & Property Services (LPS) receives an application a LPS Valuer will visit and assess the property to determine if the damage merits an amendment to the Net Annual Value and revision of the Valuation List entry.

• If the application does not result in an amendment to the Valuation List, ratepayers may consider applying for relief under the Hardship Rate Relief Scheme.


Hardship Rate Relief Scheme

Hardship Rate Relief for non-domestic rates is aimed at providing rate relief to assist a business in its recovery from a temporary crisis resulting from an exceptional circumstance.

Download an application form from the nibusinessinfo website: www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/content/hardship-rate-relief

To download the LPS Hardship Rate Relief booklet please click HERE


Non Domestic Vacant Rating (and Exclusions)

Businesses can apply for rate relief for vacant commerical properties.

Download an application form from the nibusinessinfo website: https://www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/content/non-domestic-vacant-rating


Land & Property Services (LPS)

Land & Property Services (LPS) can consider the circumstances of properties impacted by flooding on a case-by-case basis.

For more information on Rates Relief please click on the following links:

  • Rate Relief Presentation NMDDC-November 2023