First Two Year Review of Progress on Community Plan Published
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council has published the first two-year review of the progress made under its Community Plan.
Under the Local Government Act (NI) 2014, the Council and its community planning partners are required to monitor its progress every two years against the objectives set down in the Living Well Together Community Plan, as well as actions taken in support of it.
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Charlie Casey said, “Community Planning has the potential to make a big difference in local communities by helping us to align public services and how they are delivered, with what local residents want.
“The Council has worked with our community planning partners to develop innovative solutions that address the issues that matter most to local people across the district and I am delighted to see the impact that this approach is having. I hope that this approach continues and is even more successful in the coming years.”
The Living Well Together Community Plan, which was published in 2017, outlined five outcomes to be achieved by 2030. The Council and its partners have drawn up action plans in support of these outcomes.
Some of the main achievements to date are:
- Establishment of seven District Electoral Area (DEA) Forums.
- Roll out of the Communities Leading Change participatory budgeting initiatives with a total of £20,000 allocated to community groups across the district.
- Development and implementation of a Housing Need Action Plan.
- An Asset Mapping Project has been undertaken that identifies surplus land and buildings that can be used more effectively.
- Establishment of a Community Support Partnership, enabling key public services to respond more effectively to the needs of vulnerable individuals by sharing information and coordinating interventions.
- Development of a Health Improvement project to better coordinate the referral of individuals to Council leisure facilities.
The summary document, Our Journey, which describes the community planning journey from 2015 to the present, can be found on the Council’s website at