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Environmental Considerations

Q: How will the project impact the environment? 

A: We are conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment to mitigate any potential threats to sensitive habitats, including Special Areas of Conservation and Areas of Special Scientific Interest. These assessments are required as part of the planning process, which will be subject to assessment by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency throughout the statutory consultation process.

Q: How will the visitor centre and gondola be powered / serviced?

A: The project is aiming for a ‘BREEAM Excellent’ rating, which means it therefore must meet certain energy targets and criteria. We are aspiring to develop all electrical buildings with no reliance on fossils fuels. Whilst the project needs a level of resilience to meet statutory and health and safety guidelines, we are assessing how we can incorporate as many renewable sources into the project as possible.

Q: Will the gondola and associated structures affect the visual appeal of the Mourne Mountains? 

A: A comprehensive Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment is being conducted to evaluate and address any potential visual impacts.

We are also working closely with design experts – who are benchmarking success stories from around the world – to minimise the visual impact of the gondola and visitor centre to ensure they are designed sensitively to sit within the natural environment.

We plan to present designs and will request feedback from the public during future engagement activities.

Q: What is the route of the gondola, and will tree removal be required for its construction?

A: The aspiration of the project is that the gondola route will be a direct line between the base station located in Donard Park and the visitor centre based in Thomas Quarry. However, the precise route and the location of pylons will be considered in the next stage of design development, with the aim of minimising the number of trees impacted.

Q: How will the project address increased traffic and parking issues? 

A: To address concerns regarding potential traffic and parking challenges, a park-and-ride facility has been included within the project scope to improve traffic flow in Newcastle, particularly during high-peak tourism seasons. This facility will offer a convenient hop-on, hop-off shuttle service, which will help reduce congestion and should have a positive, knock-on effect, not only for the Mourne Mountains Gateway Project users, but for the entire town. The project is also looking at developing Active Travel routes that will connect the project with Newcastle, and other visitor facilities.