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DBEC-Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor

The Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor is a local authority-led cross-border partnership aiming to develop a regional proposition for economic growth. Covering the 100 miles between Dublin and Belfast, with a population of over 2 million, it is Ireland’s most important economic region and a great environment for businesses to grow and thrive.

Spanning eight councils and encompassing one-third of the island’s population, the corridor offers unparalleled opportunities to leverage our collective strengths and build a thriving economic ecosystem. 

Launched in 2021 the corridor partnership includes 8 councils: 

  • Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council
  • Belfast City Council
  • Dublin City Council
  • Fingal County Council 
  • Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council 
  • Louth County Council; Meath County Council
  • Newry, Mourne and Down District Council 

The partnership also includes representation from Dublin City University and Ulster University. Newry, Mourne, and Down District Council is the administrative lead for the DBEC partnership. 

The Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor (DBEC) represents a landmark initiative that unites stakeholders from across this dynamic region in a shared vision for inclusive and sustainable economic growth. 

The long-term vision for DBEC is to become a leading economic corridor in Europe. By improving connectivity, supporting indigenous businesses and attracting foreign direct investment, the aim is to create the right conditions for talent, innovation and growth to flourish. 

The Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor is already home to many of the world’s leading companies and Ireland’s most successful businesses and there is plenty of room for more.

Find out more about the Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor at www.dbec.info 

Contact Us

Partnership Officer, Elaine McAlinden 

E: elaine.mcalinden@nmandd.org
T: 0330 137 4472