Council Targets Dog Fouling in New Responsible Dog Ownership Campaign
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council has just launched a new public awareness campaign to tackle the issue of dog fouling and raise awareness of ‘Responsible Dog Ownership’ in our district. The campaign has been developed in partnership with Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, which is an independent charity dedicated to creating a cleaner, greener and more sustainable local environment. The Live Here Love Here ‘That Is Disgustin’!’ campaign features a strong anti-dog fouling message and is being implemented to proactively support the Council’s Enforcement Improvement Plan.
Through partnership working and strong messaging across a range of media channels such as social media, online adverts and PR, this campaign aims to build strong relationships with residents specifically around Responsible Dog Ownership. The puppet character delivers memorable messages in relation to ‘dog fouling and fixed penalties’ and appeals to all age ranges, raising awareness and driving the behaviour change we all need in our communities.
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Cathy Mason said, “All Councillors are unanimous in their support for this Responsible Dog Ownership awareness campaign.”
“Dog fouling is one of the most unacceptable and offensive types of litter in our district which can potentially cause ill health to our residents and visitors. Whilst most dog owners are caring and responsible individuals, it is imperative that we develop and promote a culture of Responsible Dog Ownership district wide.”
“Let’s all be responsible and keep the Newry, Mourne and Down district clean, green and welcoming for all.”
Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful Chief Executive, Dr Ian Humphreys said, “We’ve all trodden in it, or had our bike or pram run through it and it really is disgusting. That is not the worst of it though. Dog poo presents a real health risk, carrying Taxacariasis that has already blinded people who live here, changing their lives forever. The solution is simple. Pick up after your dog and put it in a bin. Any bin. Thankfully, most people already do this, but we need everyone’s help to make our streets clean and safe for our children.”
The Council’s Responsible Dog Ownership awareness campaign will highlight the duty individuals have to clean up after their dogs which foul in a public place and will be encouraging dog owners to place their dog mess in Council litter bins or their own black household wheelie bin.
The campaign will also be emphasising that it is an offence not to clean up after your dog and highlight the ability for the Council’s Enforcement Teams to issue fixed penalty fines, up to £80, or pursue court proceedings, to those individuals who are found guilty of dog fouling related offences.
Public Notices relating to dog fouling and dog control will also be displayed prominently across the district to ensure that Enforcement information is clear to all dog owners.
For further information on Responsible Dog Ownership please visit the dedicated webpage at