Council Chairperson Marks 72nd Anniversary of NHS
To mark the 72nd anniversary of the NHS, Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Laura Devlin is illuminating Newry Town Hall and Downpatrick Leisure Centre blue on Sunday 5 July 2020 at 5pm.
The illuminations will also coincide with a final nationwide clap to thank NHS workers for their dedication during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Chairperson, Councillor Laura Devlin said, “I would like to invite the citizens of Newry, Mourne and Down, along with their family and friends, to join me in applauding our NHS heroes at 5pm on Sunday. The clap will be a final acknowledgment of all the hard work and commitment they provided over the last four months.
“The illuminations at Newry Town Hall and Downpatrick Leisure Centre will also be a fitting way for us as a district to mark the anniversary of the NHS, which delivers first class health care during very difficult circumstances and keeps us safe. Never has it been more important for us to celebrate the innovative treatment that it delivers on a daily basis, making positive lifechanging differences to patients and their families”.
In mentioning our lost loved ones, Chairperson Cllr Devlin said, “I am also very aware that too many of our citizens have lost loved ones at the hands of COVID-19. In memory of all those who have died, please light a candle in your window on Saturday 4 July. I hope that this mark of respect will offer some comfort to our residents whose family and friends are no longer with them”.