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Children and Younger People

In Northern Ireland, four out of ten youths between the ages of 11 and 16 report feeling lonely "most of the time," and 6% report chronic loneliness. These statistics highlight the high prevalence of loneliness among children and youth.

Resources and Support

The Youth Wellness Web is a website which has been co-designed by young people for young people to provide easy access to a range of resources and services that are available to help those struggling with bereavement, bullying, their mental health and advice for those worried or anxious.

No young person should feel alone and should feel they can get the support they need when they need it at any time or any place, no matter how big or small the situation.

If you are, or someone you know, is lonely or isolated and want to make a change, there is support available below:




Contact Information 


Southern Health and Social Care Trust (SHSCT)


W: https://southerntrust.hscni.net/involving-you/community-development-and-user-involvement/

Newry Mourne and Down District Council (NMDDC)


W: https://www.newrymournedown.org/

South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT)


W: https://setrust.hscni.net/healthy-living/community-health-development/

Southern Regional College (SRC)


W: https://www.serc.ac.uk/  

Youth Wellness Web

The Youth Wellness Web has been co-designed by young people for young people for easy access to different resources and services that can really help. No young person should feel alone and should feel they can get the support they need when they need it at any time or any place, no matter how big or small the situation.           

W: https://cypsp.hscni.net/youth-wellness-web/


Young Carers Project

A young carer is someone under 18 who looks after a parent or another family member. They take on physical and emotional duties that adults usually handle. It can feel scary and isolating. We work alongside individuals, families and the community, to support improved opportunity, and health & wellbeing.

W: Northern Ireland Regional Young Carers | Action For Children

T: 028 9046 0500


Our Journey Through Disability

This 'live' resource has been developed as an easy read guide for parents and families, to help signpost to information, advice and support that they may need on learning your child has additional needs/a disability.

W: https://cypsp.hscni.net/new-guide-to-help-you-on-your-journey-through-disability-additional-needs/



Women's Aid Armagh Down

We offer a range of specialist services to women, children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse Across the Armagh and Down area

W: https://www.facebook.com/womensaidarmaghdown

T: 028 3025 0765

E: admin@womensaidarmaghdown.org


We work alongside individuals, families and the community, to support improved opportunity, and health & wellbeing.

W: www.bolstercommunity.org

T: 028 3083 5764

E: info@bolstercommunity.org


Volunteer Now

We provide access to opportunities and encourage people to volunteer.  We are a resource for volunteer involving organisations providing support on involving volunteers, governance and safeguarding.

W: https://www.volunteernow.co.uk/publications/volunteering-and-combating-social-isolation-loneliness-2017/

T: 028 9620 8822

E: Clara.O'Callaghan@volunteernow.co.uk


Lifeline is Northern Ireland’s crisis response helpline for people experiencing distress or despair. Lifeline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. Calls to Lifeline are free.

W: https://www.lifelinehelpline.info

T: 0808 808 8000


The Samaritans helpline provides a safe space for people to talk when things are getting to them; they do not have to be suicidal. People can be themselves and talk to Samaritans by telephone, face-to-face, email and via letter. The Samaritans’ trained volunteers provide listening support to anyone struggling to cope via the helpline which operates round the clock.

W: https://www.samaritans.org/

T: 116 123

E: jo@samaritans.org


PIPS Hope & Support

Sometimes when you feel alone and isolated, just knowing that there are others who have survived this traumatic experience can be comforting. PIPS Hope & Support is a community-based initiative committed to building relationships and working in partnership to reduce the impact of suicide.

W: https://www.pipshopeandsupport.org/

T: 028 3026 6195

E: info@pipshopeandsupport.org

Education Authority (EA) Youth Services

Effective youth work helps young people to identify their social and development needs and involves them in shaping the services designed to meet those needs to impact both their own skills and life chances to create a better future for themselves and their communities.

W: https://www.facebook.com/p/Newry-Mourne-and-Down-Area-Youth-Service-100057055825902/?locale=en_GB

T: 028 3025 1515

E: aileen.ocallaghan@eani.org.uk

Confederation of Community Groups Newry (CCG)

The Confederation of Community Groups is an umbrella organisation for voluntary and community groups in Northern Ireland in the Newry and Mourne area. It offers advice, practical support, services and training through a number of projects and services including it's Good Morning service which seeks to reduces isolation among older people.

W: https://ccgnewry.org/

T: 028 3026 1022

E: info@ccgnewry.org

Rural Health Partnership (RHP)

Supporting and strengthening rural communities in South Armagh by promoting good mental health and wellbeing and providing education, training, and personal development.

W: https://rhpsa.org

T: 028 3086 1220

E: teresanugent@rhpsa.org

County Down Rural Community Network (CDRCN)

The network is a voluntary umbrella body set up and managed by community groups in County Down. We are committed to an inclusive future where all citizens actively participate in local life, helping each other to create a healthy, peaceful, vibrant & sustainable society.

W: http://countydownruralcommunitynetwork.com/

T: 028 4461 2311

E: info@countydownrcn.com

County Armagh Community Development (CACD)

Since its formation, CACD has been proactively working to establish effective and meaningful ways to assist the community to fulfil its potential. We are actively increasing citizenship, improving skills, building confidence and providing new opportunities. We are helping to build an active and inclusive community, engaging with the “hard to reach” and strengthening social inclusion.

W: https://cacd.org.uk/

T: 028 3755 2103

E: info@cacd.org.uk

Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT) - Newry & District GP Federation

The main role and function of the multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) is to provide a first contact and brief intervention service to patients presenting in General Practice. Each multidisciplinary team will be made up of GPs, nursing staff, practice based social workers, senior mental health practitioners, pharmacists and physiotherapists.

Contact local GP Practice to make an appointment with MDT Staff within your practice.

W: https://www.southernfsu.co.uk/

Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT) - Down GP Federation

The main role and function of the multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) is to provide a first contact and brief intervention service to patients presenting in General Practice. Each multidisciplinary team will be made up of GPs, nursing staff, practice based social workers, senior mental health practitioners, pharmacists and physiotherapists.

Contact local GP Practice to make an appointment with MDT Staff within your practice.

W: https://downfederation.co.uk/multi-disciplinary-teams-mdt/


Kilkeel Development Association (KDA)

Our aim is to create employment, support business development, enhance the environment, conserve local heritage, increase tourism, support community relations, and deliver advice and signposting services for the betterment of the residents of Kilkeel and wider Mourne area in South Down.

W: https://www.facebook.com/KilkeelDevelopmentAssociation/?locale=en_GB

T: 028 4176 2525

E: kda.nautilus@gmail.com