Cathedral Hill Community Excavation Seeks Young Volunteers
Cathedral Hill Community Excavation Seeks Young Volunteers
Following the great success of the community dig on the Hill of Down last summer, the team at the Centre for Archaeological Fieldwork (CAF) at Queen’s University Belfast is looking for 50 volunteers aged between 16 and 24, to help them continue the dig during the month of August.
Now, with the support of the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, 'Working with Young People', managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB), CAF are going back to the site for the whole month of August and are looking for young volunteers to take part for a minimum of one week (26 hours) over the five weeks of the dig.
At the site adjacent to Down Cathedral, CAF and local volunteers uncovered an ancient, three-metre-deep rubbish pit full of artefacts outside the bishop's kitchen, first identified by the Time Team in 1997. After cleaning and researching the many medieval finds, some of the artefacts have now gone on display in the High Cross Gallery at Down County Museum, in new display cases funded by the British Museum Trust.
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairman, Councillor Charlie Casey welcomed the project. He said, “This is a great opportunity for young people to take part in a groundbreaking excavation close to the burial site of St Patrick himself, and it promises to be a fascinating experience for all, thanks to the Special European Union Programme Body’s PEACE IV funding for ‘Building Positive Relations. This is certain to be a great opportunity to learn about archaeology, make friends and add a fascinating community project to the CV.
“This year the team aims to excavate the rest of the huge medieval pit, which promises to be full of medieval pottery, bones, metalwork, jet, stone artefacts and even stained sign of St Patrick yet, but who knows! I wish everyone luck with this year’s dig.”
Digging will start on 30 July and finish on 31 August, running Tuesday to Saturday weekly, with special tours for visitors on Sunday afternoons. Anyone can visit anytime during the dig to see what is going on - last year 2,500 people came by to get an update on progress and see the most recent finds!
If you would like to take part or find out more, please contact Down County Museum on 028 4461 5218 and you will be put in touch with the CAF at Queen's University to register formally.
Match-funding for this project has been provided by The Executive Office in Northern Ireland and the Department for Rural and Community Development in Ireland.
For more information on last year’s dig visit: