Assessment of Performance 2018-19
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council’s Assessment of Performance for 2018-19 was considered and approved by the Strategy, Policy and Resources Committee on Thursday 12 September 2019.
The Chairperson of the Strategy, Policy and Recourses Committee, Councillor Michael Savage said, “I am pleased to present this year’s Assessment of Performance, which shows the Council’s progress in delivering both the Corporate Plan and Performance Improvement Plan. Producing a self-assessment of performance is a statutory requirement for all district councils, as set out in the Local Government Act (NI) 2014. It helps us to recognise where progress has been made and where we can improve”.
The Council’s Assessment of Performance highlights that many of the actions within the Corporate Plan have been achieved. Over the past four years, the rate of recycling increased by 12.3%, to 51.2%, and the Council has exceeded the statutory target of 50% by 2020. Newry Leisure Centre opened in November 2017, followed by Down Leisure Centre in November 2018, providing modern, state of the art facilities for customers. The opening of both facilities has helped contribute to a 23% increase in attendances at our leisure centres since 2015, including a 20% increase at Newry Leisure Centre over the past two years.
During 2018-19, the Council also continued to deliver the actions within the Performance Improvement Plan. 184 jobs were promoted through business start-up activity, exceeding the target set by almost 19%. Three new play parks opened, 13 play parks were upgraded and Warrenpoint Municipal Park was restored to its former glory, re-opening in August 2018. The number of successful applications to the Council’s Financial Assistance Scheme also continues to improve. Last year, over £1.5m was awarded to 472 applications to deliver projects across a range of themes including summer schemes, capital projects and community engagement.
The Assessment of Performance for 2018-19 also identifies areas of improvement for the Council, particularly in relation to achieving the statutory standards for processing major and local planning applications, and enforcement cases. Whilst the overall trend for processing local planning applications has been positive, reducing from 34 weeks in 2015-16 to 18 weeks in 2018-19, the Council remains committed to achieving the statutory standard of 15 weeks.
Further information on the Council’s performance will be made available on the Council’s corporate website by 30 September 2019 at: